My next task to make the project is used with;
3V Battery
Flat knob tubes
Grey Material
kneedle and thread

I've sewed the flat knob tubs long-wise so it gives it a more appealing look
and won't concentrate on the big bulking look.
When all is sewed togther, I made it fit to my hand so it feels stable. The wrist band is
banded with the hook 'n loop fastener.
With the 3V battery and the buzzer, I will use my exisiting material to hide away the bulky
look it has.

The action taken place is when shaking hands with someone, the pressure from the
handshake with create the wires to touch. When it is touched, it will make a 'bzzz' sound.
Inside hidden beneath the material are the wires. It is situated by the palm when the
pressure is given by the handshake.
As of result, the effect works very well. When given the human contact of a handskake,
the buzzer goes 'bzzz'. Then someone will know, 'oh, a handshake just happened!'
After sewing and hiding the parts, the end result looks like this. When skaking someone
or somebodes hand, it will make a 'bzzz' sound. Wearing is comfortable and does not
bother the skin.