Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We were given the challenge to find conductive fabrics to make it a wearable without using a switch. I found a 'matalic spiral ball'. It comes in two colours, silver (see image below) and copper. I chose silver because it will look nice if it has to be a wearable. In class, I have decided to make a braclet.
To make the braclet as an excerise;
Matalic spiral ball
3V Battery
Grey Material
kneedle and thread

When all is connected and put together, it will look like this.

When the two conductor fabrics are connected with each other, without using a switch.

My next task to make the project is used with;
3V Battery
Flat knob tubes
Grey Material
kneedle and thread

I've sewed the flat knob tubs long-wise so it gives it a more appealing look
and won't concentrate on the big bulking look.

When all is sewed togther, I made it fit to my hand so it feels stable. The wrist band is
banded with the hook 'n loop fastener.

With the 3V battery and the buzzer, I will use my exisiting material to hide away the bulky
look it has.

The action taken place is when shaking hands with someone, the pressure from the
handshake with create the wires to touch. When it is touched, it will make a 'bzzz' sound.

Inside hidden beneath the material are the wires. It is situated by the palm when the
pressure is given by the handshake.

As of result, the effect works very well. When given the human contact of a handskake,
the buzzer goes 'bzzz'. Then someone will know, 'oh, a handshake just happened!'

After sewing and hiding the parts, the end result looks like this. When skaking someone
or somebodes hand, it will make a 'bzzz' sound. Wearing is comfortable and does not
bother the skin.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Presentation Day (Monday)

Today I felt like slitting my throat (or jump out of a 100 floor building). When I finished with my presentation, down came a tumble of rocks. After I presented, discussion was held and it did not go as 'ok' as I thought it would be. A lot of matters I thought of that could work, or may work along the weeks ahead of me, does not! The idea's, statement, thought, ETC, does not cut the cake, either. Most of everything I'd thought could come to surface is now sinking, sinking, sinking...(is it the 6th week already!!?) The real problem lies in the technical part;

Where a spy-cam (placed on me) is used to capture a person's smile automatically. Which it needs to be programmed to do the work. To do the work, it is very, very, very (did I say very?), very technical. There is a need to place dots on a persons face so the program/camera can understand that a smile has been expressed. When it is expressed, it recognizes the smile, then takes a snap-shop of it. My motive is that I will be out in public, walking here there anywhere, eg, Lasalle. To capture/collect smiles unaware-ing-ly when someone comes close to me or talks to me, if that person smiles, the program/camera will take the snap-shot. Does this mean that this random person has to wear dots? Or could I invent a magical spy-cam that could capture a persons smile without the necessity of dots. (I think I am making pigs fly!) Even if I do, it is very, very (did I say very?), very technical. If I have to cheat (oops), I can become the program itself. When 'someone' is talking to me close/far enough to see a smile, I will take the snap-shot myself with a button. (Did I mention that the spy cam must be HIDDEN, someway. So that 'someone' must be unaware of what I am doing.) Think that's an issue? There's more;

Clashes of the outcome on how it is going to look like ain't working either dude... (about to jump off the building, don't look!) When all the smiling photo's has been taken by my encounter, e.g, 50 students. It is displayed in a gallery space on a wall or a board. The discussion has occurred to me that (gratefully), what happens to the people who I've come to meet? My intention is to make the unaware smile to awareness. Since the photo is taken unaware-ing-ly, where has the people gone to? Where are they? How are they going to figure out about this project? (Do yo'll get my drift!!!?)

On the other hand, (yes, something positive!!Yey! ) I am deep-ing-ly appreciate-ing-ly the time and much effort for our lectures (Andreas and Teresa)............(ok, and Rashid, cannooot forget him!) has put in to assist me and the rest of the students to make our project a better project. Pointing out what is needed to blaa-ed at to help us 'make it work'. Strolling under the same amount of strain with the rest of the class. Although we tend to, or try to run away from class. Most importantly, motivated our thoughts, keep our imagination and ideas going. Salute!

Monday, making it a blood-draining week to start off, will continue. Although I still like my 'This Life is One Big Smile' project (enjoying my process), I will find a way to make it work. Much much, much is respected to them. I won't let my lectures down, especially me (Awwwww.....)!

(No, I didn't jump off the 100th floor! You crazy!)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Weeks, 1-5

Week 1 – Introduction and overview
We were introduced to the subject title. In classroom we were discussing the project description of what is being expected. A clear understanding of the subject matter.

Week 2 – Inspiration & context
Brainstorming of idea's dealing with the subject title. Talking in the classroom of ideas and critiquing on each other's idea's and thoughts. And getting feedback/response to each students projects. As well as a short presentation in context from where we get our inspiration from.

Week 3 – Concept & direction
Discussion is taken further, how it will work and what won't work in visualizing. What can be eliminated and what stays. Asking a lot of questions such as; what is my statement, what is it for, what does it focus on, what is the interaction, what is the delivery, etc. Drawing out sketches to see how it would look like as if virtual.

Week 4 – Project implementation
This week was an update on each or our projects, research and idea's. There were discussions which took long, though worth it. It has come to a point where things has to be eliminated, which created a debate as to concept and prototype wise. In the end the original idea stays, using only one camera instead of two.

Week 5 – Project design & planning
A lot of difficulties this week. Need to change direction as things are still the same. As if repeating a joke over 5 times. Need to come with better ideas, as matters has become as a bore. Or an update on 'smile' project – what more is to be done? Main concern this week is how it looks like when this device is warn. How it appeals, good, or not so good? Also had a discussion on our proposals, what information is missing and what needs to be clearly stated with what is directed across as a social fabric. This week has gone by quick.